As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
This version is deprecated - for version of the plugin
--> compatible with 9.0 - proceed here <<--
Эта версия устарела - для версии плагина
совместим с Eco 9+, перейдите --> сюда <<--
NidToolbox Server Tools
current compatible Eco version
(both Windows & Linux)
This server plugin enables per command permissions, brings in moderators group, adds server wide announcements & pop-up messages, as well as set of commands useful in day-to-day server administration.
IMPORTANT: This plugin requires Apshalt-Modkit Framework, available here.
Suggestions: Join plugin's official Discord: NidToolbox
All commands list with example usage: QuickSheet
Overview of features
- Ability to Reset Skills, Talents and progression, set Job Level and refund specialisation points of any player on the server.
- Preventable actions and Temporary Bans Module - plugins allows you to set temporary bans on specific actions. You can prevent mining, chopping, land claiming, for specific users and for exact amount of time.
- Chat Logging to file.
- Ability to set Server Owner. It can be declared in the Settings.json (and only there!) file by specifying player's SteamID. Once set Server Owner will be denoted by special tag both in tooltips and chat.
- Chat tags that display roles and titles in tooltips and/or in chat. For example Admin, Moderator, Janitor.
- Allows marriages between players :).
- Ability to require Minting Rights before player is able to mint / craft any new currency.
- Server cleanup commands - remove tree debris, stumps and mining rubble leftovers.
- Moderators group - you can promote players on your server into a Moderators group. These users can be allowed a set of commands they can use, without the need to rise everyone to Administrator with full rights on the server. It is possible to allow Moderators to only kick, send announcements, Ban, refund specialisation points, fly, grant skill points - or any combination of these that suits you best. The full list of grantable permissions can be found below.
- Vehicle Ownership transfer/control commands.
- Timer messages module - allows for sending messages that are based on specific timer. Module can store multiple messages which can all have their own timers. Please see the Modules section for details on usage.
- User Homes teleport module - allows for players to set up locations as their homes and later teleport to these places by using the command. Admins can enable a cooldown timer that will prevent players for abusing this option too often.
- Connections and IP Logger - these can be enabled if needed and when active will register information on each user logging in to your server - their IP Address, date and time when logged, Steam ID, Slg ID and character names.
- IP Address and Same IP users checker commands - these give detailed info about locations your players connect from as well as how many of the chars use the same IP address.
- MOTD / Welcome function (Message of the Day) - it is possible to enable MOTD module (disabled by default) to greet players that log in with a nice Welcome Message. This message can be displayed in chat, as pop up, resizable window or as both. All configuration options are in the file Settings.json and the welcome message itself is stored in the Motd.txt file. Options should be easy to figure out just by looking at them, they can be changed directly in the file or via the commands (see below for details).
- Rules Module - makes it possible to set Rules for the server. Rules Enforcement, keeping track or rules acceptances and action prevention for users not accepting the rules. Configuration resides in Settings.json, as default file Rules.txt. File accepts all formating availble for Eco client - i.e. bold, italic, underline, colors etc.
- Configuration files can be reloaded at anytime, without the need to restart the server. This can be achieved either by editing the config file and issuing /nid-reload command, or from within the game via the specified command. (see blow for details)
- Server wide announcements - it is possible to broadcast announcement to all online users on the server in three types: Scroll down to see example screenshots
- Chat message
- Pop-up message with OK button
- Pop-up message with resizeable window and formatted text.
- Easy way to promote moderators and change command permission levels - can be done either from the configuration file or from within the game via the administrator only command.
- Set of modified and new commands to help in Server administration, these include: add/remove moderator, refund skill specialisation point, review commands permission levels, reload configuration etc.
- Logging and feedback capacity - all commands used by moderators are traceable in the console log, errors are logged as well, so it is easy to see why the command did not work and where the culprit of the error lies.
Example Announcement types
Chat Announcement
OK PopUp
Resizable Window
All of the plugin's settings can be loaded from within the configuration file or set via the in game commands.
Plugin generates following folders in its directory: Config, Logs, Storage and Texts.
Config json files are stored in Config folder:
- Settings.json - stores settings for: moderators list, motd options, General Settings, User Homes Teleport Module and IP/Connections Logger
- CommandPermissions.json - stores commands and their permission levels
- TimerMessages.json - stores timer based messages settings.
- ScheduledMessages.json - stores messages that trigger at exact hour.
- ChatTags.json - stores information on visibility and colours of roles and titles on the server.
Textual files are stored in the Texts folder:
- Motd.txt - stores default welcome message
- Rules.txt - stores default, example rules.
- ServerChangelog.txt - stores updates and current events on server.
Logs folder contains ChatLog files, if the chat logger has been enabled in settings, as well as IP Logging History if that setting is enabled for the server.
Storage folder contains plugin's internal files and these should NOT be edited manually.
Permissions Module
Module related commands:
- /nid-AddModerator and /nid-RemoveModerator - these are used to add and remove player from the moderators list.
- /nid-SetPermission - sets new required permission level to use the command. Accepts command name and permission level. Valid permission levels: Admin, Moderator, User and Disabled (this will switch off the command entirely).
All files can be edited and then reloaded into the game via the command. There is no need to restart the server to apply new permissions or add users to Moderators list. However, I would advise to simply use the in game commands to add mods and change permission levels, in order to avoid any edit errors to JSON file. Plugin will detect such errors and inform if there are any.
Motd.txt and Rules.txt files on the other hand, should be easy to to edit as they contain general string. They accept tags such as <color> <b> <i> for different text formatting as in Eco client.
Preventable Actions & Temporary Bans
It is possible to prevent specific users from executing an action, for a specified amount of time.
There are currently four preventable actions in the plugin:
- nid-PreventChopping - prevents indicated user from chopping trees for a selected time period;
- nid-PreventMining - prevents mining rocks;
- nid-PreventClaiming - prevents claiming land plots;
- nid-BanPlayerTemporary - bans player from the server for set amount of time.
- nid-Mute - prevents player from using chat.
Prevent Command syntax:
/nid-PreventMining User user, integer hours, integer minutes
Sample command:
nid-PreventChopping nidaren, 0, 30
will prevent user nidaren for mining for 30 minutes.
nid-AllowChopping, nid-AllowClaiming, nid-AllowMining and nid-UnMute can be used to lift any of the preventions in place before they end time.
To list all currently active temporary bans, allowed users can invoke nid-ListTempBans.
Role Tags
(i.e. Admin, Moderator, any Title)
It is possible to assign tags to players that will show up in chat and/or in tooltips.
There are two types of tags: special tags and regular tags.
Special tags are a closed group of role-based tags that consists of Admin, Moderator and Server Owner.
Special tags have own section in the config file, they can be also assigned a custom name (renamed), set to be visible in chat and/or in tooltip and assigned a dedicated colour.
Please note that renaming a special tag (assigning it a custom name), will only have visual effect i.e. in chat and tooltips, but will not rename the permission groups this tag reflects.
Should you rename the special tag (using custom name) in order to configure it, you still need to use its proper (old) name. For example: If you renamed tag Admin to SomeoneSpecial, you need to still use Admin in all the configuration commands. It is due to the fact that the tag is still named Admin, it just has a property Custom Name assigned to it by you and uses it for the display.
Regular tags are based on titles existing on the server (titles can be created anytime in the in game building called - Registrar - /give Registrar or build it)
If you need a new tag, simply add the new title in the Registrar and then configure your tag via command. Tag is created automatically for each new title, but starts as invisible.
Once created Admins (or any allowed permission group) can then decide if the tag should be visible anywhere - all tags start as hidden both in chat and tooltips. When trying to create new titles, some names are forbidden from usage - for example any name that reflects the existing role, or contains its name in it - i.e. Admin, Mod, Owner etc.
Colours can be defined either by name (NidToolbox accepts 16 html colours <- click for examples) or if you don't like any of the provided colour you can define your own using its HEX code. It is easy to find desired code for example here <- click.
Tags related commands:
- nid-TagConfigure - Allows for configuration of the specified tag. Accepts string tagName, string color, bool showInChat, bool showInTooltip
Example:Code/nid-TagConfigure Janitor, aqua, true, true
- nid-TagCustomNameSet - Allows for renaming of specified special tag. Accepts string tagName, string customName
- nid-TagCustomNameClear - Clears previously assigned custom name to specified special tag. Accepts string tagName
- nid-TagCheck - checks the configuration of an existing tag. Accepts string tagName.
Tags can also be configured in their own config file ChatTags.json
Minting Rights Module
If Minting Rights are set to required on the server, only players that posses minting rights are able to craft either new currency or mint an existing one their previously created.
Minting Rights can be enforced either by enabling their requirement via the command nid-MintingRightsRequire or by setting RequireMintingRights option in Settings.json General section to true.
Rights can be revoked and granted at any time by admins, there is also a way to track who has granted to rights and when.
Minting privileges are reflected in the Status screen of any Mint.
[Blocked Image:]
Minting Rights related commands:
- nid-MintingRightsRequire - sets minting rights requirement to true or false. Accepts bool true/false.
- nid-MintingRightsGrant - grants the minting rights to specified player. Accepts User player
- nid-MintingRightsRevoke - revokes previously granted rights. Accepts User player
- nid-MintingRightsList - list the holders of the valid minting rights.
[Blocked Image:]
Marriages Module
When enabled this simple module allows players to marry one another.
For marriage proposal to be successful the addressee of the request must be online and also must agree to the request. Once accepted, both players will be marked as married to one another in the player's tooltip. It is also possible to divorce previously married partner by issuing nid-Divorce command.
At any moment players can view existing server marriages by issuing command nid-MarriagesList. This list tracks partners engaged in a marital union as well as the date when the union between them was created.
Marriages can be enabled either via the command nid-MarriagesAllow or in the Settings.json file.
Marriages related commands:
- nid-Marry - Sends request to marry specified player. Accepts User playerToMarry (Important: as per Eco requirements all user and player names are CASE-SENSITIVE!)
- nid-Divorce - Divorces previously married partner. Accepts User playerToDivorce (Important: as per Eco requirements all user and player names are CASE-SENSITIVE!)
- nid-MarriagesAllow - Enables or disables marriages on server. Accepts bool true/false
- nid-MarriagesList - List the existing server marriages with dates and couples engaged in the union.
Timer Messages Module
This module enables sending messages that are based on specific timer. Module can store multiple messages which can all have their own timers. Messages can be added either via the file editing (Messages.json), or by using the in game commands (see info below for details).
They accept formatting like bold, underline, different text size etc. When running the plugin for the first time, timer module, as most of the plugin functionalities, start as disabled and need to be enabled by the admin. Please note that all timers are shown and should be given in minutes!
Configuration of each message and the module resides in file Messages.json, below is the example extract:
"Title": "Read Rules Reminder", "ShowAsPopup": false, "TimerMinutes": 30.0, "Message": "Remember to read our rules! Command: /nid-rules"
- Title (string) - short text used to identify the command on the list via the in game commands.
- ShowAsPopup (true/false) - if true message will not only show in chat but also pop-up in window.
- TimerMinutes (float) - exact amount of time after which message will trigger, given in minutes.
- Message (string) - actual text of the message. Accepts formatting like <b>, <u>, <color>, <size>. The default file has some examples in it. See there if you need some inspiration.
Timer messages related commands:
- nid-TimerMsgEnable - enables the timer message module;
- nid-SetTimerMsg - adds/sets new timer message. Accepts string Title, string MessageText, float Timer and bool ShowAsPopup .
Title should be a short string that makes it easy to identify the message if you want to edit it, MessageText is a general text of the message, Timer should be given in minutes, ShowAsPopup is a simple true/false, indicating if the message should also pop-up in the window; - nid-CheckTimers - displays all active timer messages, current server time, time when message will trigger, remaining hours/minutes/seconds on the timer;
- nid-ChangeDefTimerMsg - accepts string Title and float Timer allows to edit and change the default timer for the existing message. For example: If the message originally triggered every 30 minutes you can change it to trigger every 120 minutes. Requires string Title to find the message. You can indicate whole or partial name here. Using this command does not affect or reset other messages;
- nid-ChangeRunningTimerMsg - accepts string Title and float timeLeft - allows to edit and change the running timer (time left to trigger) of the existing message. For example: If the message has 13 minutes left to trigger you can either prolong or shorten it. Requires string Title to find the message. You can indicate whole or partial name here. Using this command does not affect or reset other messages;
- nid-DelTimerMsg - deletes the specified timer message. Requires string Title to find the message. You can indicate whole or partial name here. Using this command does not affect or reset other messages;
- nid-ConfigTimersReload - Reloads Configs of time messages, if the file was edited manually. It will load new settings from Messages.json file.
WARNING: While adding and removing individual timer messages via the commands does not reset the timer of the other messages, using this command will reset all of the running timers to the timers indicated in the file. This command is independent from /nid-reload and nid-reload does not reset the timers or influence them in any way.
- nid-reload - my older command that now reloads all of the plugin config apart from the timers, to reload these use nid-ConfigTimersReload . I made this distinction to avoid affecting/resetting the timers if the player wants to reload other plugin settings.
nid-CheckTimers output example:
Scheduled Messages Module
When enabled, allows sending Scheduled Messages .This is type of a server message that displays at exact hour i.e. 16:52. This should be useful for any of you that require messages shown at specific and exact time.
Messages can be added either via the file editing (ScheduledMessages.json), or by using the in game commands (see info below for details).
They accept formatting like bold, underline, different text size etc. When running the plugin for the first time, scheduled messages module, as most of the plugin functionalities, start as disabled and need to be enabled by the admin.
Configuration of each message and the module resides in file ScheduledMessages.json, below is the example extract:
"Title": "Restart Announcement 30 min to reboot", "Hour": 5, "Minutes": 30, "ShowAsPopUp": true, "Message": "Server will restart in 30 minutes, at 06:00 servertime!"
- Title (string) - short text used to identify the command on the list via the in game commands.
- Hour (integer) - hour at which the message should appear, uses 24h clock, for example 17 for 5PM.
- Minutes (integer) - minutes component at which the message should appear, uses 24h clock, for example for 17:52, it should be set to 52.
- ShowAsPopup (true/false) - if true message will not only show in chat but also pop-up in window.
- Message (string) - actual text of the message. Accepts formatting like <b>, <u>, <color>, <size>. The default file has some examples in it. See there if you need some inspiration.
Timer messages related commands:
- nid-ScheduledEnable / nid-ScheduledDisable - commands that toggle Scheduled Messages Module on and off.
- nid-ScheduledList - displays list of all scheduled messages currently set;
- nid-ScheduledSet - (accepts string messageTitle, string messageText, integer hour, integer minutes, true/false showAdPopup) - adds new scheduled message, may also be added via file edit as per usual example that will generate an announcement that will trigger as popup at 14:00 servertime:Code
/nid-ScheduledSet Garbage Collection, We will collect garbage in one hour at 15:00 servertime, 14, 00, true
- nid-ScheduledDelete - (accepts string messageTitle) - deletes the specified message, accepts partial names and will search in the existing messages for the one specified by user;
- nid-ScheduledTime - (accepts string messageTitle, integer hour, integer minutes) - changes the hour at which specified scheduled message will appear.
Welcome Message Module
Main configuration resides in the Settings.json file and following options are available:
"isEnabled": false, "showAsPopUp": true, "FileName": "Motd.txt", "WindowTitle": "Message of the Day", "showInChat": false
- isEnabled (true/false) - activates or disables the module. Possible to change also from commands in game.
- showAsPopup (true/false) - activates Welcome text as popup. Possible to change also from commands in game.
- showInChat (true/false) - activates Welcome text as regular chat message. Possible to change also from commands in game.
- FileName (string) - indicates which file should Plugin load the welcome message from. This is also the location plugin will save any changes to the message. It should be already existing, valid text file. If plugin is unable to find or read the indicated file, it will load default Welcome.
- WindowTitle (string) - sets the title of the popup window as well as header of the chat welcome message.
MOTD related Commands:
- /nid-MotdEnable / nid-MotdDisable - activates or disables the module. No arguments, just command.
- /nid-MotdShowPopUp (true/false) - activates Welcome text as popup: true = enabled, false = disabled.
- /nid-MotdShowInChat (true/false) - activates Welcome text as regular chat message: true = enabled, false = disabled.
- /nid-MotdSetMsg (string) - sets the new MOTD/Welcome message. Accepts just regular text. If you would like to apply any advanced formatting, it is better to use the motd.txt file. See default file for examples. After making changes to the file directly, use /nid-Reload to load the changes into server. No need to restart.
- /nid-MotdShow - shows current MOTD message.
Rules Module
Important: There is no option to disable the Rules Module in the config file, as it can be achived simply by setting the command /nid-Rules to Disabled.
Main configuration resides in the Settings.json file and following options are available:
"ForceAcceptRules": true, "ForcePassPhrase": true, "PassPhrase": "secretpass", "PreventClaiming": true, "FileName": "Rules.txt"
- FileName (string) - indicates which file should Plugin load the rules from. This is also the location plugin will save any changes to the rules. It should be already existing, valid text file. If plugin is unable to find or read the indicated file, it will set empty ruleset.
- ForceAcceptRules (true / false) - when set to true, all players must accept rules in order to play on the server. Announcement is displayed each login until they do so.
- ForcePassPhrase (true / false) - when set to true, players accepting server rules will have to provide this string in order to successfully confirm. It is good idea to hide is somewhere within the rules of the server so they must read them in order to uncover it.
- PreventClaiming (true / false) - if set to true, players who haven't accepted the rules, cannot claim any land and property.
- PassPhrase (string) - password needed by ForcePassPhrase, must be between 3 and 30 characters, contain only letters and must not contain spaces.
Rules related Commands:
- /nid-Rules - Shows current Rules set in the file.
- /nid-SetRules (string) - allows to change rules from within the game. It is recommended to just edit the Rules.txt file as it is far easier and more convenient.
- nid-RulesAccept - (accepts optional string password) - allows users to accept Server Rules;
- nid-RulesPlayers - displays players who haven't accepted server rules yet;
- nid-RulesEnforce - (accepts bool true or false) - Turns rules acceptance enforcement on or off;
- nid-RulesForcePass - (accepts bool true or false) - Turns rules acceptance password enforcement on or off;
- nid-RulesShowPass - Displays currently set rules password.
- nid-RulesSetPass - (accepts string password) - allows setting password for rules acceptance, must be between 3 and 30 characters, contain only letters and no spaces.
- nid-RulesPreventClaim - (accepts bool true or false) - With this setting on, users who haven't accepted server rules, won't be able to claim any land. Turns setting on or off.
- nid-UnclaimPlayer - (accepts User targetPlayer) - unclaims all property of the specified player, no need to stand or be on their land to execute. IMPORTANT: targetPlayer name is case sensitive, as per client requirements.
Server Changelog Module
Important: There is no option to disable the Server Changelog Module in the config file, as it can be achieved simply by setting the command /nid-ServerLog to Disabled.
This simple module allows server admins to list recent changes they did to their Server on date-by-date basis. Changes can be then displayed by the players in the info-type window in game.
Main configuration resides in the Settings.json file and following options are available:
"FileName": "ServerChangelog.txt"
- FileName (string) - indicates which file should Plugin load the server changelog from. This is also the location plugin will save any changes to the log. It should be already existing, valid text file. If plugin is unable to find or read the indicated file, it will set it to empty.
Rules related Commands:
- /nid-showLog - Shows current Server log set in the file.
- /nid-SetServerChangelog (string) - allows setting of the Server Changelog. Similar to Rules.txt editing the Server changelog is recommended directly in the txt file for convenience.
User Homes Teleport Module
This module allows players to designate a specific location as their home. When set, players are able to teleport back to this location via the command.
Module is also equipped with a timer that can enforce a cooldown on the ability to ensure it is not abused by the server members.
Additionally, cost of both calories and money can be set. When enabled, each time users teleport home they will be charged with specified amounts. Monetary cost requires that global currency is set on server by the world leader. Global currency can be set in Treasury.
Configuration for the module is available in the Settings.json file but all of these can be also changed in game via the in-game commands.
"HomeTeleportModule": {
"TimerEnabled": true,
"TimerMinutes": 60.0,
"CostCaloriesEnabled": true,
"CostCaloriesAmount": 43.0,
"CostGlobalCurrencyEnabled": true,
"CostGlobalCurrencyAmount": 1.24
- TimerEnabled (true/false) - if true it establishes a timer on /nid-GoHome command, that allows players to teleport to their designated home location.
- TimerMinutes (float) - given in minutes, it sets up a timer for the above command.
- CostCaloriesEnabled (true/false) - if set to true calories cost will be charged on teleport.
- CostGlobalCurrencyEnabled (true/false) - if set to true monetary cost will be charged on teleport.
- CostCaloriesAmount (float) - amount of calories to be charged on teleport.
- CostGlobalCurrencyAmount (float) - amount of global currency to be charged on teleport.
IMPORTANT: If you edit any of the configuation files by hand, make sure you use /nid-reload to load your changed values into the server! No restart needed.
Home teleport module related Commands:
- /nid-SetHome - Sets location as user's home.
- /nid-GoHome - teleports user to their home location. Subject to cooldown timer, if enabled by admins.
- /nid-SetHomeTimer (float) - accepts number of minutes as a value. Can be set by Administrator (by default), it constrains /nid-GoHome command with a timer that needs to pass before it can be used again. Default timer value is 60 minutes.
- /nid-HomeTimerReset (targetUser) - allows to reset a specified user cooldown to zero.
- /nid-HomeTimerResetAll - resets all active home teleport timers of all users to zero.
- /nid-HomeTimerEnable - enables timer.
- /nid-HomeTimerDisable - disables timer.
- nid-HomeRequireCalories - accepts true/false value. When set to true, users will be charged calories each time they want to teleport home.
- nid-HomeRequireCost - accepts true/false value. When set to true, users will be charged monetary amount each time they want to teleport home. Requires that global currency is set on server. Global currency can be set by the world leader in the Treasury.
- nid-HomeCaloriesAmount - accept float value and sets the calories cost to set amount, for example nid-HomeCaloriesAmount 200 will charge users with 200 calories each time they teleport.
- nid-HomeCostAmount - accepts float value, sets monetary cost to specified amount.
Chat Logger Module
This module is disabled by default and may be activated by going to:
NidToolbox\Config\Settings.json and changing LogChat to true.
"GeneralSettings": { "$type": "NidToolbox.Depository.GeneralSettingsStorage, NidToolbox", "InformationA": "This section contains general settings", "FadeModName": false, "LogChat": false },
Log files are stored in NidToolbox\Logs\ChatLog. Files are named according to the date for example: 22-10-2019.log and will contain all chat from 0:00 to 23:59 on that day.
IP Logger / Connection Info Module
When active this module will trigger at each user logon event, registering data about IP, time of connection, steam, slg and internal IDs as well as user name;
It provides a possibility for checks and tracking of the user activity on Server.
Log files are stored in Mods/NidToolbox/Logs/IPsHistory . Each file is named according to the following format: <characterName>_<InternalCharcterID>.log example name nidaren_SrvID-1.log. This makes them easy to locate when trying to find connection information on specific player.
Dates and times in logs are stored in accordance with Computer's regional settings.
Configuration for the module is available in the Settings.json file but all of these can be also changed in game via the in-game commands.
"IpLoggerModule": { "ModuleEnabled": false, "MakeCSVFile": false
- ModuleEnabled (true/false) - if true it will turn on the module
- MakeCSVFile - if true, it will additionally create a comma delimited file that can be imported to to tools like Excel or Google Sheets for data analysis.
IP Logger / Connection info related Commands - see /nid-help
Specific Commands Information
Currency related commands:
All currencies names are NOT case sensitive and can be typed partially, for example: Mossy for MossyCoin or nidaren for (Nidaren's Credits). Plugin will find and match the currency. If more currencies are named the same, you will be asked to be more specific.
- /nid-UserCurrencies - (accepts string currency name), it will display all accounts containing currency specified by the command issuer, together with bank account's IDs needed for other commands.
- /nid-UserBankAccounts - (accepts User username), it will display all bank accounts and all currencies present on these bank accounts, that belong to the specified user,together with bank account's IDs needed for other commands.
- /nid-DeductAccount - (accepts integer BankAccountID, float amount, string Currency), it will deduct specified amount of specified currency from specified Bank Account. To check bank account ID(s) use the commands: /nid-UserCurrencies or /nid-UserBankAccounts.
- /nid-ZeroOutCurrency - (accepts currency name) - this command will remove currency from circulation. It will destroy all existing coins on all accounts. However, it will NOT delete the currency from game, as it is no longer safe to do so. Zeroed currency is no longer visible in the Currencies in Circulation Tab To prevent currency from being minted again, zero it by this command and then use /nid-LawBanCurrency.
- /nid-ZeroOutCredits - (accepts credits name) - this command targets the starting player credits, that are issued as infinity at the game start. It will remove specific starting credits from circulation. Please note: It is perfectly safe to zero out all minted currencies, however in case of Credits, I am not too sure, hence why this command ships as disabled by default. You can enable it yourself if you want to use it. The plugin will warn you on enable. We did zero all starting credits on our server, but I will leave the choice to you.
- /nid-LawBanCurrency (accepts string currency) - it will issue a Law that prevents minting of specified currency. Note that it will be impossible to mint this currency, however the existing coins of this currency will be kept. To destroy these use: /nid-ZeroOutCurrency.
Currency commands output example:
Available Commands
(extract - for full list see in game or on below screenshot)
To view the available commands in the plugin type /nid-help. It will list all the commands with the corresponding permission level requirements.
All the plugin's assignable commands start with nid- prefix.
IMPORTANT: Names are case sensitive in the game client. If you are getting user not found error, do make sure you have typed the name properly.
I. General usage commands:
- /nid-help - lists all commands and their respective permission levels needed to use them. By default it shows the list divided by command tags, if used with argument alphabetical set to true it will show a simple list ordered alphabetically.
- /nid-Reload - this will reload the config files. This command does not affect Timer Messages configs. It is useful if these were edited externally or after plugin update to load your old permissions and settings.
II. Management commands:
Commands below, similarly to the ones above can all be assigned specific permission levels. Admins will have access to all commands.
- /nid-IssueWarn - Issues warning for the specified user. Warning can be either chat or popup window. Accepts player name, warning text and true/false value for if it should pop-up as window.
- /nid-SetJobLevel (accepts: targetUser, string skillName, integer level) - sets skill level to indicated level, including levelling up and down. Note: For levelling down, affected player will be kicked briefly to allow for UI update.Their Talents in the skill will be reset, so they can pick them again. Levelling up does not require kick, nor talents reset. skillName - if it contains spaces, please type it without them i.e. AdvancedBaking or advancedbaking, capitalisation does not matter anywhere apart from User names. Partial names for skills are accepted too. If skill is not known to the target player, it will be learned automatically. Example use: /nid-SetJobLevel nidaren, hewing, 6
- /nid-ResetJob (accepts: targetUser, string skillName, true/false refundSpecPoint)- allowing for complete reset of the skill to its starting state, including skill dependent talents, only indicated skill is affected. Select TRUE if you want to also return player invested spec point. skillName - if it contains spaces, please type it without them i.e. AdvancedBaking or advancedbaking, capitalisation does not matter anywhere apart from User names. Partial names for skills are accepted too. User will be kicked briefly for UIs update. Example use: /nid-ResetJob nidaren, hewing, true
- /nid-ResetTalents (accepts: targetUser)- resets all talents in all skills so they can be picked again. Does not affect any of the skills. As per vanilla Eco, User names are case sensitive. User will be kicked briefly for UIs update.
- /nid-ResetPlayer - Accepts player name, and a true/false value for whether it should only refund specialisation points via option: "onlyRefundPoints". Very useful in the beginning of the game when newer players make mistakes with their skills distribution. By default it will reset the player to the starting state, as they were when first logging to game. It is also possible to keep the progression of the player and only allow them to redistribute specialisation points, by selecting TRUE as third parameter. IMPORTANT: This command will kick the player briefly, for the skill panel to update. They can log back in after
- /nid-Announce - announces message to all online players. Does not trigger the popup. Accepts colours.
- /nid-AnnouncePopUp - announces message to all online players. Does trigger the resizeable popup.
- /nid-AnnouncePopUpOK - announces message to all online players. Triggers pop-up window with OK button to confirm by the players.
- /nid-GiveSkillPoints - works in the same way as the vanilla command. Grants X skill points to the specified player. Accepts also the player who is the issuer of the command.
- /nid-GiveSpecPoints - gives exact amount of experience to grant one specialisation point.
All Commands:
NidToolbox Commands QuickSheet (click)
Suggestions and Feedback
Feel free to leave me feedback, suggestions or report bugs in discussion here, I am available at the official Eco Discord channel, if you would like to ask something just tag me or message me directly - at nid#3035
Version 1.8.12
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May 8, 2020 at 3:12 PM -
118.49 kB -
Version 1.8.11
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May 4, 2020 at 11:51 PM -
118.5 kB -
Version 1.8.10
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April 27, 2020 at 11:50 AM -
113.99 kB -
Version 1.8.9
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March 9, 2020 at 6:38 PM -
117.05 kB -
Version 1.8.8
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March 5, 2020 at 4:20 AM -
110.74 kB -
Version 1.8.7
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February 1, 2020 at 2:28 PM -
97.99 kB -
Version 1.8.6
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January 15, 2020 at 2:52 AM -
92.26 kB -
Version 1.8.5
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November 4, 2019 at 12:33 AM -
94.1 kB -
Version 1.8.4
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October 28, 2019 at 7:21 AM -
92.35 kB -
Version 1.8.3
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October 23, 2019 at 3:40 AM -
89.95 kB -
Absolutely love it. Easily the best plugin out there.
This mod basically saved the server community where I was on from falling apart after an admin mistake gave everyone ludicrous amounts of levels. This mod helped us fix that and the developer even helped us personally. Friendly guy and very helpful mod for any eco server admin.