As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
I had to limit the amout of places I need to update the texts whenever I add or remove commands and update individual modules, sorry!
NidToolbox Light
Modular set of server tools for Eco
** powered by and compatible with em-framework **
nid-core base module
For Eco 10
NidToolbox Light brings back the old NidToolbox plugin for previous versions of Eco, in more manageable and modular format this time around.
NEW - if you would like to have your server logo appear in the notifications area in messages that come from NidToolbox. Please join my Discord and post them in #server-logos channel.
Each module works independently, being versioned separately - with only nid-core component being required. Server admins can mix and match modules they need for their servers.
This core module allows to set time zone on your server. This is useful when your hoster does not allow this setting to be altered and you would like to specify times for other modules in your chosen timezone.
This will also show proper current time to the user. For details, please see commands section, below.
This project is a work in progress aiming to overtime bring back all of the features of old NidToolbox to Eco 9.0+. As I sadly don't have as much time to work on the project as before, modules will be released as I develop them. Your patience is appreciated <3.
Support is provided as well as suggestions are accepted on my Discord here
It is not required, but if you would like to support the development of the plugin, donations are accepted here
Core module apart from having an Update Notifier, does not do anything by itself and to get any functionality out of it, you need to download one of the available modules. Documentation and installation instructions are available at the module's page. You can find all the links below.
Currently available modules: (click the names to view)
- Chat Logger - logging chat in realtime.
- Laws - Adds new law clauses, improving the checking system. Provides fixes for found problems in laws and exposes buried game values and checkers.
- Chat Tags - Create and assign chat tags to the players on your server, to clearly mark their roles and membership, whether they are an [Admin] or a [Janitor].
- IP Logger - providing data on each logon and logout, fully customizable. Can log to server log, console, own log, or all at the same time.
- Player Manager - contains commands useful in day-to-day player management, ability to Reset Skills, Talents and progression, set Job Level and refund specialisation points of any player on the server, geo-location and more.
- Core - this module. Download at the top of this page.
- Server Cleanup - Set of server clean and maintenance commands, allowing for removal of mining rubble, tree debris, stumps etc. Generates detailed report on rubble present on the server.
- MOTD - Displays welcome message to players logging in, accepts all Eco's formatting. Stores MOTD in a text file for easy edits. Managed from command line and/or config files.
- Server Rules and Preventables - Enables sever owner to enforce set of Server Rules. Certain actions of the players can be restricted, until they have accepted the Server ruleset.
- Server News - News can be either displayed automatically on login, or triggered at any time via the command.
- Timed Messages - Time-based messages can be set to trigger at certain hour, or every X minutes.
General Settings:
ServerTag - appears in various server wide messages, server to player messages and mail.
CommandFeedbackString - it is a textual string that usually appears between brackets like [NidToolbox]: "Some feedback"
ServerIconId - identifies icon within assets, either ones from NidToolbox or your own. If you don't know how to add your own icons, see the header of this page, I can help
Text Tokens
Modules that use textual files or send data, can now take advantage of the text tokens.
These allow for message customization and a way to provide current server data.
All of the data is read directly from the server, from already available sources, with the exception to USERSPEAKONLINE and USERSPEAKONLINEDATE these two are counted from the moment of installing NidToolbox and can be set manually via respective commands.
Text of Hello, {{USER}} will replaced with the current viewing user intercatable name.
//User related
{{USER}} // returns interactable player name (string).
{{USERWITHTAGS}} // returns interactable player name with their server roles (string). NOTE: This respects showInUI setting for ChatTags!
//Admins and active users
{{USERSACTIVE}} // players in Active demographic (integer).
{{USERSPEAKACTIVE}} // most the Active demographic ever had (integer).
{{USERSPEAKONLINE}} // most users online (integer)
{{USERSPEAKONLINEDATE}} // when the online peak users occurred (string) i.e. 12-May-2024 16:24
{{USERSONLINE}} // users online currently (integer).
//Age related
{{WORLDAGE}} // how long was the world up in format XX days and YY hours (string).
//Sea levels
{{SEARISENTOTAL}} // total change in sea level in meters (integer).
{{SEARISENTODAY}} // change in sea level in last 24 hours in meters (integer).
//CO2 levels
{{CO2RISENTOTAL}} // total change in CO2 levels in PPM (integer).
{{CO2RISENTODAY}} // change in CO2 emissions in last 24 hours in PPM (integer).
{{CO2LIFETIMEPOLLUTION}} // change in CO2 emissions in total only from pollution emitters in PPM (integer).
{{CO2LIFETIMEANIMALS}} // change in CO2 emissions from animals in PPM (integer).
{{CO2LIFETIMEPLANTS}} // CO2 removed by plants in PPM (integer).
{{CO2TOTAL}} // Total CO2 present (integer).
{{TEMPRISENTOTAL}} // total change in temperature levels in degrees of units that server follows. (integer).
{{TEMPRISENTODAY}} // change in temperature in last 24 hours in degrees of units that server follows (integer).
{{TEMPAVERAGE}} // average global temperature in degrees of units that server follows (integer).
//Ground pollution
{{GROUNDLIFETIMEPLLUTION}} // total change in ground pollution levels in PPM (integer).
Display More
Update Notifier:
Update notifier sends information when either the core module or any other installed modules has been updated.
It can send notifications to members of EM Groups as well as specific users. Users can be excluded individually as well.
Settings files:
Config files are located at Configs\Mods\NidToolbox
"Inf1": "NidToolbox Light: General settings.",
"Inf2": "CommandFeedbackString appears in between brackets: [NidToolbox]: Some text.",
"Inf3": "ServerTag is used in announcements as server name: SERVER: Some text. ",
"Inf4": "ServerIconId is identifies server icon in assets. It shows in mail.",
"Inf5": "ServerIconId can also be used on objects like signs and messages text in popups.",
"Inf6": "Timezone is used to force Eco to use timezone different from the host system.",
"Inf7": "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"CommandFeedbackString": "<color=#50C878>[NidToolbox]: </color>",
"ServerTag": "SERVER",
"ServerIconId": "NidToolbox",
"ForceTimezone": "",
"BlackListed": false
Display More
"Info1": "NidToolbox Light: Update Notifier settings.",
"Info2": "--------------------------------------------",
"UpdateNotiferEnabled": true,
"CheckPeriodically": true,
"CheckEveryMinutes": 180.0,
"InformInConsole": true,
"InformInLog": true,
"InformInGame": true,
"InformEmGroups": [
"InformSpecificUsers": [],
"DontSendTo": [],
"BlackListed": false
Display More
Plugin Management:
Settings can be changed either via in-game commands or through editing of settings configuration files. See each module page for details. Due to their nature or tasks performed, some modules may not have any configuration files.
EM Framework 3.3.1 or newer! available here.
How to install:
- Unpack the content of the .zip archive
- Copy nid-core.dll to Mods\NidToolbox
- Individual modules are installed into Mods\NidToolbox\Modules directory.
- Eco.EM.Framework must be placed in Mods\Elixr Mods\Eco.EM.Framework.dll
Available commands:
Time related:
Check your Eco server timezone. This follows host server timezone, unless altered.
Check your Eco server time.
Check host (physical server operating system) time.
Displays a list of possible timezones to be set for your server.
Useful for /TimezoneForce command.
Forces specific timezone for Eco Server.
/help NidCore
Displays information about all commands contained within Core Module.
Reloads core configuration - udpater and general settings.
Set CommandFeedbackString variable.
/nidCore-SetFeedString string feedbackString
/nidCore-SetFeedString someText
Set ServerTag variable.
/nidCore-SetServerTag string serverTag
/nidCore-SetServerTag yourTag
Set ServerTag variable.
/nidCore-SetServerIcon string serverIconId
/nidCore-SetServerIcon serverIconId
/help NidUpdate
Displays information about all commands contained within Update Notifier module.
Enables or disables the module
/nidUpdate-Enable bool trueFalse
/nidUpdate-Enable true/false
Enable or disable periodic update checks.
/nidUpdate-CheckRepeat bool trueFalse
/nidUpdate-CheckRepeat true/false
Configure update notifications. Lets the user set whether the module should inform in game, send info to console or to the log file.
/nidUpdate-Inform bool informInGame, bool informInConsole, bool informInLog
/nidUpdate-Inform true, true, true
Sets how often should the module check for new updates (in minutes).
/nidUpdate-Minutes float minutes
/nidUpdate-Minutes 180
Add EM group to receive update notifications.
/nidUpdate-GrpAdd string groupName
/nidUpdate-GrpAdd Admin
Remove EM group from receiving update notifications.
/nidUpdate-GrpDel string groupName
/nidUpdate-GrpDel Moderators
Adds specific user to be informed about new updates.
/nidUpdate-AddUser User Name
/nidUpdate-AddUser Nid
Removes specific user from new updates notifications.
/nidUpdate-DelUser User Name
/nidUpdate-DelUser Nid
Hides updates for specific users. Useful when user is a member of a EM Group that receives notifications, but wants to be excluded from them.
/nidUpdate-HideAddUser User Name
/nidUpdate-HideAddUser Nid
Unhides updates for specific users.
/nidUpdate-HideDelUser User Name
/nidUpdate-HideDelUser Nid
Version none
nid -
May 4, 2024 at 12:06 PM -
106 Byte -
Download location changed.
Version 1.10.3
nid -
April 16, 2024 at 12:49 PM -
257.51 kB -
Fixed world age token showing less than a day no matter the actual value of the token.
Version 1.10.2
nid -
April 13, 2024 at 3:25 PM -
257.47 kB -
Added text tokens support.
Version 1.10.1
nid -
December 21, 2023 at 6:20 PM -
238.09 kB -
Commands and objects feedback not showing in Feed and instead in hideable notifications in chat.
Version 1.10.0
nid -
December 17, 2023 at 1:00 PM -
238.08 kB -
Core module:
* Added required server version checker to prevent running pre-release/newer builds on unsupported server.
* Member class can now be used in hash tables properly.
* Added display version information property to feedback on host operating system. (ie. 22H2 etc).
* Added more detailed information on branch of pre-release used on updater feedback in console.
Version 1.7.11
nid -
June 28, 2023 at 7:03 PM -
154.89 kB -
Fixes a bug with notifications and messages being shown by various modules, where some of them would be ignored.
Migrated all remaining on login events and notifications to the new system.
Thanks for reporting the bug @Enel
Version 1.7.10
nid -
June 17, 2023 at 9:33 AM -
154.22 kB -
Changed all timers within solution to use PeriodicTimer.
Reworked all Delays on Tasks that needed them.
Version 1.7.9
nid -
June 13, 2023 at 1:10 AM -
153.4 kB -
HttpClient now has all the modules and their version in the user agent string.
Default time for update check for new configurations changed for 1 hour. Your existing configs won't be altered.
Comment added to first product in user agent string to ensure compatibility with Fail2Ban on server hosting versions data.
Version 1.7.8
nid -
May 21, 2023 at 5:33 PM -
153.13 kB -
Fixed error where some clients checking the update availability get rejected by the webserver, because the user agent is missing in the request.
Version 1.7.7
nid -
May 6, 2023 at 2:30 PM -
152.89 kB -
Moved version information from pastebin to own infrastructure.
Fixed typos in some error messages.
Must have plugin!
Using all nids modules, highly recommend them. Very helpful dev.