As long as a user does not have at least one reviewed and activated contribution, the user is unable to edit his profile, set a avatar, title picture or a signature.
This mod includes 1x Christmas set that serves as a crafting station for the gifts, 2x Christmas decor objects with housing points, 2x Falling Snow objects.
Players are entered in a log file with ID, name, day, month as soon as the Christmas token has been issued, so the mod prevents the token from being issued to the same player several times on the same day.
The log file can be changed at any time, so you can add or remove players. The console always tracks the output, so you also get an overview of what has just happened on your server, in case problems arise or players claim they have not received the token.
How does it work:
-Players can enter the command: / ehcheckvotes in the chat every day to receive their tokens.
The tokens can be exchanged for goods in the "Chrismtas Set".
-Players can enter the command: /ehlastdays in the chat, so the mod checks if the player has get his token for following Day's:
1st - 5th Dez, becuase the Mod was released late.
/ehvotecheck - Check's if the Player has already get the Token's for Today (5 pieces)
/ehlastdays - Check's if the Player has get his Token's for the 1st - 5th Dez. (2 pieces each Day)
/give ChristmasSet - Give's you the ChristmasSet Object, where Players can craft present's with the Christmas
Token. This is only a Admin Object, not Craftable for Player's
/give ChristmasPlayerTree - Give's you the Player Christmas Tree - Craftable for Players
/give ChristmasKranz - Give's you the Christmas Wrath Decor Object - Craftable for Players
/give GlobalSnowObject - Give's you the Global Snow Object - Craftable for Players
/give GlobalSnowStrong - Give's you the Strong Snow Object - Craftable for Players
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Version 1.0.1
BeeFTM -
December 25, 2020 at 2:37 PM -
# Download URL Updated
Version 1.0.0
BeeFTM -
December 5, 2020 at 11:59 AM -