// file need to be saved as PropertyClaimRecipe.cs to work namespace Eco.Mods.TechTree { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Eco.Gameplay.Components; using Eco.Gameplay.DynamicValues; using Eco.Gameplay.Items; using Eco.Gameplay.Skills; using Eco.Shared.Utils; using Eco.World; using Eco.World.Blocks; using Gameplay.Systems.TextLinks; [RequiresSkill(typeof(HewingSkill), 1)] //required skill for crafting public class PropertyClaimRecipe : Recipe //PropertyClaimRecipe is the child of Recipe { public PropertyClaimRecipe() //public call of child { this.Products = new CraftingElement[] //makes a new crafing item "Element" { new CraftingElement(5), //what item is made and how many }; this.Ingredients = new CraftingElement[] //required items to make { new CraftingElement(typeof(HewnLogProcessingEfficiencySkill), 100, HewnLogProcessingEfficiencySkill.MultiplicativeStrategy), // item, efficiency skill, how many it takes to make, efficiency multipliyer }; this.Initialize("PropertyClaim", typeof(PropertyClaimRecipe)); this.CraftMinutes = CreateCraftTimeValue(typeof(PropertyClaimRecipe), this.UILink(), 0.05f, typeof(HewnLogProcessingSpeedSkill)); // link and float for crafting speed skill CraftingComponent.AddRecipe(typeof(CarpentryTableObject), this); // what table gets the recipe. Important one table per recipe } } }